Nourish your body, nourish your mind
Heal your body and mind through a combination of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Evidence based Nutrition Science
I help those struggling with anxiety and depression to achieve mental wellness by using evidence based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and nutrition science. I also help those struggling with busy lives to create sustainability in their healthy food habits. Learn more here!
A combination of nutrient dense foods and healthy adaptive lifestyle changes, can lead to a wealth of health, including both prevention and healing. Start your learning TODAY by getting your free PDF on Holistic Strategies to Support Your Mental Health!
Our Services
I practice a functional and foundational holistic approach to psychological health care and nutrition that recognizes the biological uniqueness of each person. This approach is different to conventional medicine in that it is focused on addressing the underlying causes of a problem, instead of simply suppressing symptoms. This approach is evidence based and understands and views the body as an interconnected whole, allowing for a more comprehensive approach to treatment. I emphasize a therapeutic working partnership between myself and my client to help create this personalized approach and have you be a full participant in your own health journey. You are an expert on your own experiences and working collaboratively, emphasizes the importance of this fact. Using a properly prepared whole foods diet along with lifestyle changes and psychological services, I will be able to help you correct nutritional deficiencies and the underlying problems that are causing specific symptoms.
My Story
My graduate studies in Clinical Psychology, years of treatment specializing in OCD and Anxiety-related disorders, my training and certification in Nutritional Therapy Counseling, and my own personal struggle and journey with digestive issues give me a unique perspective and connection with finding the right treatment plan and recommendations for my clients.
Connect with Us
Want to find out how you can benefit from Nutritional Therapy and/or Mental Health services? Reach out to let us know a little bit about what you are interested in, and we can set up an free initial 15 minute phone call to determine the right service for you.
The Mind/Body Connection
Our mind and body is so intimately connected to each other. Inevitably, our thoughts affect our behaviors and how we feel, and our behaviors and choices affect how we think and how we feel. Did you know that there is an entire nervous system that is in charge of what is called our gut-brain connection? Our guts (our small intestine) produces 80-90% of our brain’s neurotransmitters (i.e. serotonin, oxytocin, etc.) that are in charge of communicating with other organs to help them function the way that they should and are designed to. Neurotransmitters are also responsible for our moods and contribute to how we are thinking. Taking care of our gut means we are also taking care of our brains, contributing to healthy and rational thoughts, and positive moods, and of course, the rest of our bodies.
We take care of our gut by feeding our bodies nourishing, nutrient dense whole foods and by ensuring and supporting our digestive processes so that our bodies can break these nutrients down into substances it can use to form energy and help our bodies function the best that they can. Eating the right nutrient dense foods directly affect the quality of our thoughts, our energy levels, and of course, our moods and how we are left feeling.